Canada Releases Immigration Levels Plan for 2022-2024

On February 14, 2022, The Minister of Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Sean Fraser has announced the new Immigration Levels Plan for 2022-2024, which conducts reasonable immigration paths that will assist the Canadian Labour Market and economy to recover post-Pandemic and strengthen industries and economic projects in Canada that depends somehow mainly on Immigration. 

Canada’s Immigration Levels Plan 2022

In its recent release, Canada has ensured that it will welcome new immigrant workers to fill the critical labour market gaps and give endless support to the strong economy in preparing for the future. The government plans to welcome immigrants as permanent residents in the following numbers:

  • 431,645 immigrants in 2022.
  • 447,055 immigrants in 2023.
  • in addition to 451,000 in 2024.  

This plan will surely increase attention and attract newcomers to provinces that endure economic and demographic challenges in order to fill their worker shortage and grow their economy.

The Government also stated that these immigration levels plan for 2022-2024 will face confirmation or adjustment on the 1st of November each year. 

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Immigrant categories

In an explained chart, the government has simplified the main immigrant categories and the planned permanent residence admissions expected in 2022-2024, and the Categories will be as follow:



  • Spouses, Partners & Children.
  • Parents & Grandparents.

Refugees and Protected persons:

  • Protected Person in Canada and Dependents Abroad.
  • Resettled Refugees – Government-Assisted.
  • Resettled Refugees – Privately Sponsored.
  • Resettled Refugees – Blended Visa Office-Referred.

Humanitarian and other:

  • Humanitarian & Compassionate and Other. 

Click on the link to know more about the categories and number of admissions expected in the years 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Why does Canada need more immigrants? 

Canada’s main reason for welcoming new immigrants is to keep its economy strong and thriving, but when you think about it more, Canada has welcomed more than 200.000 per year since the 80s, and the number has roughly increased to reach 400.000 in 2021, and Canada is still considering to lift this number up in attribution to it having the world’s lowest birth rates in addition to the world’s oldest population. 

The immigration rate has reached 1% of Canada’s population recently which empowered its Economic growth and Labour force.   


In his released statement, The Minister of Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Sean Fraser said:

“Immigration has helped shape Canada into the country it is today. From farming and fishing to manufacturing, healthcare, and the transportation sector, Canada relies on immigrants. We are focused on economic recovery, and immigration is the key to getting there. Setting bold new immigration targets, as outlined in the 2022-2024 Levels Plan, will further help bring the immeasurable contribution of immigrants to our communities and across all sectors of the economy.”