List of Visa-Free countries to Canada

The Canadian government has recently made an exciting announcement that is set to impact travelers around the world positively. In a move aimed at facilitating easier travel and promoting international connections, the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has introduced visa-free travel for citizens of select countries.

This groundbreaking update opens up new possibilities for individuals wishing to explore the beautiful landscapes, vibrant cities, and diverse culture that Canada has to offer. Let’s delve into the details of this remarkable announcement.

Visa-Free Travel to Canada

Eligible countries for Visa-Free Travel to Canada

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has expanded the list of countries eligible for visa-free travel by adding 13 new nations.

The newly added countries that now qualify for visa-free travel to Canada include Panama, Antigua and Barbados in the Caribbean, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Argentina, Morocco, Seychelles, Thailand, and the Philippines.

Effective immediately, individuals from these countries who have previously held a Canadian visa within the last decade or who currently possess a valid non-immigrant visa for the United States will be able to apply for an electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) instead of a visa when visiting Canada. This new provision simplifies the travel process and offers greater convenience for eligible travelers.

Can I Travel to Canada without a visa?

Yes, depending on your nationality and eligibility, it is possible to travel to Canada without a visa. Canada has introduced visa-free travel for citizens of certain countries, allowing them to visit for tourism, business, or family visits without the need to obtain a visa.

However, it is important to note that even if you are eligible for visa-free travel, you may still be required to obtain an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) if you are a visa-exempt foreign national flying to Canada.

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What are the Visa-Free countries that can travel to Canada?

The list comprises Panama, the Caribbean island states of Antigua and Barbados, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Argentina, Morocco, Seychelles, Thailand, and the Philippines.

What are the Visa-Free countries for Canada?

Below is the full list of Visa-Free countries & nationals for Canada.

1) Andorra34) Republic of Korea
2) Argentina35) Latvia
3) Australia36) Liechtenstein
4) Austria37) Lithuania
5) Bahamas38) Luxembourg
6) Barbados39) Malta
7) Belgium40) Mexico
8) British citizen41) Monaco
9) British National (Overseas)42) Morocco
10) British overseas citizen (re-admissible to the United Kingdom)43) Netherlands
11) British overseas territory citizen with citizenship through birth, descent, naturalization, or registration in one of the British overseas territories of:
·       Anguilla
·       Bermuda
·       British Virgin Islands
·       Cayman Islands
·       Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
·       Gibraltar
·       Montserrat
·       Pitcairn Island
·       Saint Helena
·       Turks and Caicos Islands
44) New Zealand
12) British Subject with a right of abode in the United Kingdom45) Norway
13) Brunei Darussalam46) Panama
14) Bulgaria47) Papua New Guinea
15) Caribbean island states of:
·       Antigua and Barbados
·       St. Kits and Nevis
·       St. Lucia
·       St. Vincent and the Grenadines
·       Trinidad & Tobago
48) Philippines
16)  Chile49) Poland
17) Costa Rica50) Portugal
18) Croatia51) Romania (electronic passport holders only)
19) Cyprus52) Samoa
20) Czech Republic53) San Marino
21) Denmark54) Seychelles
22) Estonia55) Singapore
23) Finland56) Slovakia
24) France57) Slovenia
25) Germany58) Solomon Islands
26) Greece59) Spain
27) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, must have a passport issued by Hong Kong SAR.60) Sweden
28) Hungary61) Switzerland
29) Iceland62) Taiwan, must have an ordinary passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan that includes the personal identification number
30) Ireland63) Thailand
31) Israel, must have a national Israeli passport64) United Arab Emirates
32) Italy65) Uruguay
33) Japan66) Vatican City State, must have a passport or travel document issued by the Vatican

What is an electronic travel authorization (eTA) for Canada?

An electronic travel authorization (eTA) is a mandatory requirement for visa-exempt foreign nationals who are flying to Canada. It is linked electronically to the traveler’s passport. The eTA remains valid for up to five years or until the expiration of the passport, whichever comes first. If an individual obtains a new passport, they will need to apply for a new eTA.

What is the cost of an eTA for Canada?

The cost of an eTA for Canada is $7 Canadian dollars per individual.

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