Canada Announces Assistance to Iranian Temporary Residents

On February 23, 2023, the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, the Minister of Natural Resources has announced new measures related to the temporary Iranian residents in Canada and have expressed that these measures come in support of Iranians in the light of the protesting events and the brutality they have to go through in their home country.

New measures to support Iranian temporary residents

The IRCC has stated the causes behind announcing new measures to be :

” Canada is committed to protecting Iranians already in Canada, and to helping Iranian families stay together. In light of the gross and systematic human rights violations being committed by the Iranian regime during its brutal crackdown on protestors, some may wish to prolong their stay in Canada rather than return home at this time.

These measures will allow Iranians to continue studying, working, and residing to visit their family members in Canada.

What are the new Canadian measures that supports Iranian Temporary Residents?

An open work permit pathway will be available for Iranians who seek to expand their temporary residency status in Canada, which will enable them to move easily between temporary streams. And applying to this pathway will be available from inside Canada.
This permit will be effective beginning from March 1st, 2023.

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The IRCC has indicated that the Iranian applications will be priorities during these times to help Iranians Settle more.

Also, Canada plans to concede certain application processing fees to release some of the burdens for Iranians who wish to extend their residency in Canada.
Along with passport and PR travel document fees for Iranian PR holders who wish to leave their country.

“Canada will not stand idly by in the face of these aggressions as the Iranian regime continues its ongoing human rights violations. Our government is continuing to stand up for the people of Iran by making it easier for Iranians who wish to extend their stay here in Canada to be with their families, and allowing them to continue to work and study in safety. We will continue to work closely with the Iranian-Canadian community who is resolved to shed light on the repressive actions of the Iranian regime.” – The Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship

The IRCC has confirmed that it’s closely monitoring the events in Iran and deducted its unwavering support to working to adopt measures needed to help Iranians as needed.