Studying in Canada

Studying in Canada

How to Study in Canada as a Non-citizen

If you have recently immigrated to Canada — especially if you are a refugee — you may be wondering about your right to education. Is Canadian higher education available to people who are not Canadian citizens? This is a common question among those who have newly moved to the country.

The good news is that there are provisions for those who want to study in Canada, even if they are not Canadian citizens. If you are an immigrant or are waiting on your asylum application to be processed, you may still be able to take advantage of the many wonderful institutes of education in the country.

Studying in Canada on a Student Visa

If you are interested in pursuing higher education at a Canadian university, you will need to apply for a student permit before you enter the country. This is not the same as a visa. The permit allows you to study at certain universities around Canada as an international student.

As an international student, you will not have legal rights in Canada. However, having student residency entitles you to certain benefits of living in the country. You will most likely be able to work after your student permit is processed and approved. The exact permissions of your stay will be outlined in your permit. You will also be able to receive medical care and travel to and from your home country, assuming that you also have a visa. If you have a spouse or children, they are also permitted to accompany you under Canadian international student laws.

Studying in Canada to Become a Permanent Resident

Canada offers one very unique opportunity to its international students at universities. Unlike many other countries, it offers an easy way for students to use their course of study to become a permanent resident of Canada. Studying at a Canadian university is one of the best ways to immigrate to the country.

Once you graduate, you will also be eligible to apply for a post-graduate permit. This lets you work in Canada for up to three years after the date of your graduation. This gives you the perfect opportunity to put down roots as you also work on establishing permanent residency in the country.

Studying in Canada as a Refugee

If you are a refugee who is living in Canada, you have no legal status and you may be removed from the country if your application is denied. However, you can apply for an exemption in the form of a study permit. This must be for long-term education, not a single or short-term course. This is because the course would need to be completed before the end of your stay. If you are waiting on an asylum application approval, you cannot estimate how long your stay will be.

You will also only be eligible for such an application if you are under an unenforceable removal order. When you apply for a study permit, you will be required to provide a significant amount of information, including your biometrics, before being approved.

Want to apply for a Canadian visa? Click here to start the process with our help →