How to immigrate to Canada from Saudi Arabia?

Canada is a country that always welcomes immigrants from everywhere; if you are living in Saudi Arabia and looking to immigrate to Canada you have several ways, such as a study permit, work permit, or family sponsorship. In this blog, we will discuss all you need to know about immigrating to Canada from Saudi Arabia.

Also, Canada can be considered by people living in Saudi Arabia because it can be a good fit for them for many reasons, such as their language proficiency, work experience, and education.

How to immigrate to Canada from Saudi Arabia?

Can people living in Saudi Arabia go to Canada without a visa?

No, Saudi Arabia is not considered a Visa-Free country. But you can apply for your visitor visa now. Just fill out our free assessment form (Link below) and we will help you start your process.

Your process of immigration will be easier if you have some factors like work experience in a required occupation, high language proficiency, or high education level (having a Master’s, Ph.D.,…etc).

For more Canadian visa inquiries? Click here to start the process with our help →

How much is the Canadian visit visa fee in Saudi Arabia?

Visa fee to Canada from Saudi Arabia differs according to the number of applicants:

  • If you are immigrating alone without anyone of your family, you will pay 100 CAD.
  • If you will immigrate with your family (5 Persons or more), you will pay 500 CAD.

You have to know that the money you pay for the visa is non-refundable.

How to get a work visa for Canada from Saudi Arabia?

Getting a work visa to immigrate to Canada can be the best way to stay in there legally, there are 3 steps to apply for the work visa, and let’s discuss them:

  • Step 1: Check your eligibility

You can fill out our free assessment form and we will help you in the process of determining if you are eligible or not.

  • Step 2: Start gathering all the required documents

These required documents can be represented in the following:

  1. Valid passport or travel document.
  2. Job offer or a contract from a Canadian employer.
  3. Proof of your qualifications, educational degrees, or certificates.
  4. Proof of financial support.
  5. Proof of language proficiency (if required by the employer).
  6. Medical examination reports.
  7. Any additional documents that IRCC can ask for.
  • Step 3: Pay the fees for your application

The application fee varies according to the work visa type, so for more up-to-date information visit the IRCC website.

For more Canadian visa inquiries? Click here to start the process with our help →

How to apply for a job in Canada from Saudi Arabia?

There are some tips to help you increase your chance of being accepted into any job in Canada, which are:

  • Target where you will apply: don’t apply for any kind of job or anywhere, choose your field and start searching for the best opportunity that suits you and your qualifications.
  • Prepare for the interview: before the interview prepare yourself well, do your research about the company, ask people about the interview in the company you are applying for, and study the job offer well.
  • Follow-up regularly: Following up shows professionalism, so always follow up with the employer, show your appreciation or even show your interest in that position.

Benefits of immigrating to Canada from Saudi Arabia

  • You will get benefits for you and your family, such as:
  • Your kids will get free education.
  • You will get free healthcare for yourself and your family.
  • If you got the Canadian permanent residence you will be able to sponsor parents or grandparents.
  • There are no restrictions on employment
  • You can change your job whenever you want and wherever you decide.
  • Your spouse can also get a full-time job offer from any company.
  • Canada has no racial discrimination
  • Canada accepts any religion, nationality, race, or any other difference you have as it promotes diversity.
  • You can get a quick citizenship
  • The period you have to stay in Canada to get Canadian citizenship can vary depending on the individual situation, but mainly you have to stay in Canada for around 5 years, to be able to get Canadian citizenship.
  • The trade relations between Canada and Saudi Arabia
  • Due to the trade between Canada and Saudi Arabia, as Canada imports oil from Saudi Arabia, so Canada considers any applicant from Saudi Arabia applying to work there as an assist for the Canadian economy.

In conclusion, seeking Canadian immigration from Saudi Arabia requires careful planning and adherence to specific steps and guidelines. It is crucial to thoroughly research and understand the immigration programs available and decide which is the most suitable program for you.

The first step is to assess your eligibility and qualifications for immigrating to Canada. This includes evaluating your education, work experience, language proficiency, and other factors that may contribute to a successful application. It is essential to determine the immigration program that suits your situation best.

Next, gather the necessary documents and evidence to support your application. This may include educational transcripts, language test results, work references, and proof of financial stability. These documents play a crucial role in determining your eligibility and demonstrating your ability to contribute to Canadian society. Once you have gathered all the required documents, you can begin the application process.